I did recently go through a break-up, but am back with my (other) ex (a post in itself). Do I think of what could have been..yes, but I don't cry every time I think about him now or have this pain shoot through my entire body because of the pain, guilt, etc. etc.
Oh blahh this post flipped from a positive, encouraging one to a negative, depressing one, huh?
Back to positive! I started job searching in Feb of 2010 so I would have something set-up for when I graduated. I'd like to thank my mother for scaring the crap out of me of how fast my last semester would pass and I would be SOL. I'm not going to lie, I didn't go to that many interviews, I think I landed an internship on my 3rd or 4th interview, but I did it. That internship turned into a job, and now I've put myself on a
Okay, okay I done with the gloating, but that's my way of accrediting myself.
Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger.
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