
A Little Bit Stronger

I'm obsessed with this song. To me, it has so much more meaning that being stronger after a break-up. I used to be depressed, and this song reminds me that I have become stronger every single day with every opportunity that presents itself. I still look to others for the credit I feel like I deserve, but I think I'm getting better at being proud of myself. Not saying I'm perfect, but I have grown so much and never thought I would be at this place at 23, and it feels damn good.

I did recently go through a break-up, but am back with my (other) ex (a post in itself). Do I think of what could have been..yes, but I don't cry every time I think about him now or have this pain shoot through my entire body because of the pain, guilt,  etc. etc.

Oh blahh this post flipped from a positive, encouraging one to a negative, depressing one, huh?

Back to positive! I started job searching in Feb of 2010 so I would have something set-up for when I graduated.   I'd like to thank my mother for scaring the crap out of me of how fast my last semester would pass and I would be SOL. I'm not going to lie, I didn't go to that many interviews, I think I landed an internship on my 3rd or 4th interview, but I did it. That internship turned into a job, and now I've put myself on a strict budget to pay off my loans, save some money, and still be able to pay the rest of my bills and have fun. I really can't complain. Sure I'd like to buy more shoes, or dresses, or craft materials, but I'll feel much better when I'm the first of my friends to buy their own home and have my student loans paid off by the time I'm 26 rather than 40.

Okay, okay I done with the gloating, but that's my way of accrediting myself.

Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger.

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